Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Will The Diet Solution Work For You

Are you trying to lose weight?

Feels like I have all my life! 

Here is my story..

I was about 50 pounds overweight a few months ago. I'd tried about everything to lose weight - dieting pills, exercising, extreme diets (always a week long torture before giving up!), low fat diet foods, etc ..

Sure I would see a little bit of weight loss at first, but I never could seem to stick with it! 

Sound familiar?

I mean, c'mon, who wants to count calories and eat tasteless food for the rest of their lives??

I desperately wanted to lose weight, so I started looking at other options.  I wanted to look good for my man, I wanted to be healthy, to have more energy and make it through a day without feeling exhausted... but nothing was working...

Then I came across The Diet Solution.  I was skeptical at first, figured it was another one of those scams that don't work.

(Check out the Video - The money back guarantee is nice too.)
Then one of my friends started talking about it and how it changed her life!  She has a body that makes me jealous to this day, but I remember when she was heavy.  Needless to say, I was sold!
The free video alone had a lot of useful information I didn't know before.  Did you know that some low fat foods can actually make you GAIN weight?? 

So, I took the plunge and forked over the cash...I was immediately impressed!  My only regret is not jumping on this months ago!

Here is another thing I learned inside:

You don't have to give up your carbs!  This was an eye opener for me, I've always thought different.  But seeing as how the author is a certified nutritionist and has helped over 30,000 people with her program, I gladly took her word for it! 

(Will it work for you?)

I have to say, I was shocked at how immediate my results were! I lost 10 pounds in the first week, and was already looking for new clothes!

Trust me, if I was able to see results like this... Anybody can!

Now, to be fair, I do have to admit there was one section I didn't quite understand at first.  I sent a question by email and got a response that same day, she was super helpful and straightened me out. 

I don't normally buy things like this over the internet. 

My final justification (aside from the testimonials & money back offer) was that I spent more money at restaurants in a week's time than what this was going to cost, and where was that getting me?? 

I figured at least this was something I could put to use and better myself with.
I really can't say enough about The Diet Solution Program, and would highly recommend it to anyone that is in the same shoes as I was just a few months ago.
Of course, everybody is different, and for any type of program to work you've got to be committed to seeing a change. 

Do you think it will work for you?

Well, if you're tired of 'trying' and ready to start 'LOSING', then the answer is YES!

- Dana

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